Saturday, July 17, 2010

Project Ethos: Love Sick paintings

I got an email asking to be featured in this year's LA Project Ethos 10 days before the actual show, so there was some amount of AAAAAAFUCK PAINT that took place over that week and a half. Luckily, I came up with a bunch of new paintings, and things turned out pretty surprisingly decent.

Burnt Out


Royal Drop

All So Wrong



Show Flyer.

And some photos from the show:

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sketchy Mini Paintings

A few little dudes from last week. These things are the perfect size for my attention span, which is NONEXISTANT.

Oh those butts! Who doesn't love em?

I won't be entirely satisfied with my life until it involves a porch an' a jugband in some capacity.

Octopi should have eyebrows. They just should.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Very Tiny Paintings

I found a small hill of Candyland cards in one of my boxes of random potential art supplies, and having no idea what they were originally for, decided to make them into little paintings. PETER, I NEED YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR TRAGIC IRONY EMO RESPONSIBILITY BULLSHIT FOR TWO SECONDS OR I AM GOING TO THROTTLE YOU WITH YOUR OWN TIGHTS. I imagine at some point, that had to have been all MJ could think whenever Petey started in about ol Uncle Ben.  
You want monster head? I have many kinds!
 If there's one thing I hate, it's shirts on girls.