Thursday, December 25, 2008

Beware the Vampraisin

More old sketches, mostly from 2004, I think. I've never been into vampires, although I do find them an easy source of hilarity, what with the degree of total SRSNSS they seem to evoke in budding novelists and squealing teenage girls.
My favorite vampire-related plan was for one of my comic classes. I was going to tell the story of the dreaded Vampraisin, an evil undead sun-dried creature who sucks the juice of the other fruits in the produce dept. Then when he's full of their precious juice, he plumps back up into a grape. Sadly for the world of comics, I got lazy and never actually finished that assignment, although I do have some sketches.
Vampire arms must stay above the head at all times! This guy was going to be sharing a heart, 50's-maltshop style, but I never drew his companion for some reason. Possibly because drawing girl vampires somehow feels even nerdier than guy vampires, and I couldn't handle the crushing nerdgirl shame.
Another plan I had for something-or-other involved this guy, who is as embarassed by the vampire mythos as I am, and spent most of his time trying to avoid having to do anything vampire-y. I like that if he turned into mist, he would always reform in cliche vampire style; brooding sideburns, flouncy blouse, long flowy hair tied in a velvet ribbon, the works.
He had this little bird friend that wore a bear mask, but I have no idea why.
Perhaps the awesomest vampire thing ever is a little show called Vampire High. It mostly involves teen vampires hanging out in the basement of a university, (where they're the "night school students" GEDDIT???) being angsty and wearing increasingly absurd outfits.
My fav was the token "hot" girl who I swear to god was wearing cinnamon rolls on her head in one episode.
Another episode insisted on combining vampire lore with traditional samurai code, for some misguided reason.
I can't blame them for trying, but the only good use of vampires, Count Duckula, has already been done.

1 comment:

Z. said...

The second drawing of the guy sucking the straw has a reaaally nice style, I would love to see more stuff from you in pen and ink, some comics, perhaps, would be lovely. Oh, and more painting goodness, of course!
